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EasySolar visited Indian news portal

EasySolar app is an omnipotent tool to design photovoltaic plants and will be available to prepare sophisticated and beautiful projects, simulations of energy production from any photovoltaic installation in the world and prepare attractive offer to potential investors. After some delay, the product is scheduled to go online this summer.

EasySolar says let’s get appy

It is not easy to get solar business more appy but EasySolar takes up the challenge. Availability on each mobile device plus all the platforms when it comes to solar design- that’s one of the ambitious goals of the company. But the key to success is the ultrafast data processing and the possibility of project sharing combined with complete user data safety. This can really be a product that changes lives of solar professionals plus gives some pleasure and entertainment while using it (just check screenshots on easysolar webisite).

Will it revolutionize the solar market? Sure it will! Few minutes to prepare the draft of the project on your smartphone, few seconds to show many options to those interested in solar plants, and the possibility polishing projects while travelling… Sounds amazing. EasySolar will for sure do its utmost to make sure that this software really does make the difference.

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