Photovoltaics Masters Institute What is the net-billing system? – principles and an example of settlement Net billing settlement is a mandatory method of energy management for all photovoltaic installations that began producing electricity after April 1, 2022. According to the Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Act, the new settlement system is voluntary for those who previously […]
How to Properly Connect Photovoltaic Panels?
Photovoltaics Masters Institute How to Properly Connect Photovoltaic Panels? Photovoltaic panels usually require creating a durable connection between individual cells, which on one hand increases the system’s efficiency, and on the other reduces the risk of failure. Installers have two methods for connecting photovoltaic panels at their disposal – series connection and parallel connection. Each […]
Protection of Photovoltaic Panels – What Should You Keep in Mind?
Photovoltaics Masters Institute Protection of Photovoltaic Panels – What Should You Keep in Mind? Adequate protection of photovoltaic panels, tailored to their characteristics, is a key factor ensuring their long-term and safe operation under environmental conditions. Properly selected and installed protections safeguard the system from overvoltage, overloads, and other risks that may lead to severe […]
What SEP Qualifications Are Necessary for Installing Photovoltaic Systems?
Photovoltaics Masters Institute What SEP Qualifications Are Necessary for Installing Photovoltaic Systems? Since photovoltaic systems generate electricity during their construction and connection work, special caution must be exercised. Improper execution of certain tasks may result in fire or loss of warranty rights, which is why the installation of a photovoltaic system should be carried out […]
What Are Fire Safety Approvals for Photovoltaics and What Are the Consequences of Their Absence?
Photovoltaics Masters Institute What Are Fire Safety Approvals for Photovoltaics and What Are the Consequences of Their Absence? Photovoltaic installations have become a common sight in almost every part of the country. However, before joining the ranks of those benefiting from solar energy, it’s necessary to consider the fire safety of the photovoltaic installation. When […]
"EasySolar": Automatinis fotovoltinių įrenginių elektrinių schemų kūrimas
Fotovoltaikos meistrų institutas EasySolar elektrinės schemos: Fotovoltinių sistemų projektavimas gali būti sudėtingas, ypač kai reikia teisingai išdėstyti komponentus ir parinkti tinkamas apsaugas. Tačiau su "EasySolar" programa šį procesą galima visiškai automatizuoti, supaprastinant profesionalių elektros schemų kūrimą ir užtikrinant, kad jos atitiktų saugos ir [...]
Kaip nubraižyti fotovoltinio įrenginio elektros schemą ir kokias apsaugas reikėtų įtraukti?
Fotovoltaikos meistrų institutas EasySolar elektrinės schemos: Kaip nubraižyti fotovoltinio įrenginio elektros schemą ir kokias apsaugas reikėtų įtraukti? Paprasčiausias būdas braižyti fotovoltinių įrenginių elektros schemas - naudoti "EasySolar" programėlę, kurioje tokios schemos, įskaitant visus reikiamus komponentus, gali būti automatiškai sukurtos. Fotovoltinę (PV) instaliaciją sudaro kelios pagrindinės dalys: [...]
Lesson 13: “Once Upon A Time…” – A Day In The Life Of A Photovoltaic Salesman!
Photovoltaics Masters Institute Lesson 13 “Once Upon A Time…” – A Day In The Life Of A Photovoltaic Salesman! “I am convinced that the most breakthrough moment in my work was the decision to change the management, design and offer preparation tool!” Few people realize how important it is to choose the right tools not […]
Lesson 12: Does The Appearance Matter? Features Of A Good Photovoltaic Sales Offer!
Photovoltaics Masters Institute Lesson 12 Does The Appearance Matter? Features Of A Good Photovoltaic Sales Offer! A well-prepared offer, both visually and technically, is the company’s moast important label! In the PV industry, the most important factor influencing the purchase decision and contractor selection is the offer that the trader will provide to the customer […]
11 pamoka: kai klientas sako "taip", bet galvoja "ne"! Sukurkite gerą saulės energijos finansinę analizę!
Photovoltaics Masters Institute Lesson 11 When the Client Says “Yes” But Thoughts “No”! Create Good Financial Analysis! One of the most surprising principles that a salesperson learns during many years of working with a client is the principle that all clients lie. Customers who want to feel comfortable and confident in the process of making […]