Photovoltaics Masters Institute
Lesson 11 When the Client Says “Yes” But Thoughts “No”! Create Good Financial Analysis!
One of the most surprising principles that a salesperson learns during many years of working with a client is the principle that all clients lie.
Customers who want to feel comfortable and confident in the process of making a purchase often miss the truth during a business meeting. But what is the reason for such a reaction among consumers?
Customers lie for a number of reasons, often the result of an inability to say “no“ to the salesperson. Meanwhile, in the PV industry, this is often the result of a situation where customers feel uncomfortable talking about technical topics that they have no idea about.
Inundated with a lot of data and technical jargon used by a salesperson who wants to impress a customer with professionalism, they often feel overwhelmed, intimidated and even treated upfront by the salesperson.
Too Much Data And Detail Provided To The Customer Can Be Intimidating To Them, Making Them Feel Inferior!

This state of affairs causes certain challenges for traders operating in the PV industry, who must prepare and present to the client a financial analysis for the designed system, including the analysis of return on investment, etc.
So how do you deal with the client’s little knowledge and at the same time present him with a financial analysis in a way that is attractive enough to encourage him to invest?
We have distinguished several key principles regarding financial analysis and the way it is presented to clients.
1. Ready-Made Financial Analysis instead of several dozen pages of a spreadsheet.
Mając do czynienia z niewielką wiedzą techniczną klientów, należy skupić się na przedstawieniu przede wszystkim najważniejszych korzyści, w tym przejrzystego wykresu zwrotu z inwestycji, który dla klientów często stanowi dane kluczowe do podjęcia decyzji. Najlepszym rozwiązaniem są więc programy oferujące gotowe szablony analizy finansowej, które skupiają się na kwestiach najistotniejszych dla klientów, jednocześnie przedstawiając je w sposób prosty dla odbiorcy, najczęściej w formie przejrzystych wykresów.
Twórcy programy EasySolar, współdziałając ze sztabem grafików, skupili się bardzo mocno na stworzeniu profesjonalnego szablonu oferty, który poza możliwością edycji wszystkich komponentów, dodatkowo posiada funkcje dostosowania ich do brandingu firmy.
2. The most important data for the client and statistical data – minimizing the fear of the client.
When trying to prepare the most comprehensive financial analysis, a trader will need a huge amount of data from a potential customer, the existence of which the potential buyer may not have been aware of. Often, attempts to obtain such data may cause the client to stress related to the success of the investment and obtaining a return on it. This is because the entire system installation process will then seem like an extremely complex process where each variable can make a huge impact on your cost recovery.
Meanwhile, some of the data with which a trader works when preparing an economic analysis are statistical data, because it is difficult to predict 100% how the energy price will change in the next few years or how the user’s electricity consumption will change.
Therefore, you should focus on the most important and important data for the client. This will minimize the fear of investing in a photovoltaic system.
3. Treat the client as an equal.
Nobody likes to feel inferior or less intelligent. It is therefore important that the salesperson does not treat him in advance when talking to the client and does not lead to a situation in which the client feels inferior and overwhelmed. When discussing the details of the financial analysis, treat the buyer so as not to be discouraged by too much technical knowledge, about which he has little idea. It is better to accept the principle that the client will ask for details than to overwhelm him with expert knowledge, thus making him feel less intelligent and thus discouraged from further talks.
When Discussing The Details Of The PV System, Customers Want To Feel Comfortable And Equal With Traders!
So how to decide which data is the most important for the client and how to present it to him in an attractive and transparent way?
The best solution is to use programs with a ready-made economic analysis template in your daily work. Such templates were usually prepared in such a way as to be as attractive and understandable as possible for customers.
In the EasySolar program, special attention was paid to the practical application of the above principles in the work of a salesperson, and additionally, the function of adjusting the ready-made financial analysis to the needs of the company’s branding was introduced.
An undoubted advantage of the ready-made financial analysis in EasySolar is the automatic loading of components from the system design. Therefore, to create an economic analysis, you only need to enter the most important data, such as the energy bill and financing method, and generate a clear graph of the return on investment in a few moments.